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oxidized starch中文是什么意思

用"oxidized starch"造句"oxidized starch"怎么读"oxidized starch" in a sentence


  • 氧化淀粉


  • Study on glyoxal ' s crossl linking oxidized starch
  • Modified starch . determination of carboxyl group content of oxidized starch
  • Modified starch - determination of carboxyl group content of oxidized starch
  • A study of catalytic effect of heavy metal ions on h2o2 and the characters of oxidized starches
  • Modified starch - determination of carboxyl group content of oxidized starch iso 11214 : 1996 ; german version en iso 11214 : 1996
  • Supply : corn starch , liquid glucose , refined corn oil , corn gluten meal feed , inositol , oxidized starch , acetyl oxidized starch , cationic starch
  • We are the biggest deep processing enterprise of maize of china , and supplying you annually with corn starch 1 . 3 million mts , corn gluten feed 170000mts , liquid glucose 150000mts , corn gluten meal 100000mts , corn germ cake 70000mts , oral glucose 50000mts , refined corn oil 40000mts , oxidized starch 20000 mts , acetyl oxidized starch 20000mts , cationic starch 10000mts , inositol 1300mts . please do not hesitate to contact me if you interest in our products . name : lisa yang tel : 0086 - 536 - 6088689 fax : 0086 - 536 - 6051835 e - mail : yjp5858 @ 163 . com
  • We are the biggest manufacturer and exporter of corn products from china , the output of corn starch 1 . 3 million mts , corn gluten feed 170000mts , liquid glucose 150000mts , corn gluten meal 100000mts , corn germ cake 70000mts , oral glucose 50000mts , refined corn oil 40000mts , oxidized starch 20000 mts , acetyl oxidized starch 20000mts , cationic starch 10000mts , inositol 1300mts . please do not hesitate to contact me if you interest in our products . name : lisa yang tel : 0086 - 536 - 6088689 fax : 0086 - 536 - 6051835 e - mail : yjp5858 @ 163 . com
用"oxidized starch"造句  


oxidized starch的中文翻译,oxidized starch是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译oxidized starch,oxidized starch的中文意思,oxidized starch的中文oxidized starch in Chineseoxidized starch的中文oxidized starch怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。